PBIS Student Leaders

Faculty Sponsor/Contact: Mrs. Katelin Geiger and Mrs. Christa Franz

Membership Requirement: Must be recommended by a teacher. Must be in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade. Students from the previous year are automatically included unless teachers specify differently. Students must not receive any office referrals and should make it to 3 out of 4 SOAR Celebrations for Class Dojo behavior. Students must have an 80% or above in all subject areas, demonstrate a positive attitude around the building, and exhibit a willingness to help others show empathy, and understand the meaning of SOAR. Students will have quick 15 – 30-minute meetings on the first Monday of the month and must be able to attend these meetings.

Financial Obligations/ Dues: There is no upfront cost for the Student Leaders, but there are some expenses throughout the year for a club shirt, end of the year party, and if any PBIS Student Leaders supplies are misused and/or damaged. Prices TBD.

Mission/ Purpose: The mission of the PBIS Student Leaders is to promote a positive school climate at Hilltop by encouraging all students to SOAR in a positive manner. "Safety First, On Task, Always Respectful, and Responsible.” The purpose is to promote students to build moral character, develop leadership skills, gain a sense of ownership in school activities and rules, and build a sense of community/ school spirit.

Planned activities: Provide positive feedback in the mornings and at dismissal, help facilitate and monitor SOAR Celebrations (one each 9 weeks), promote school spirit with posters and other activities. Additional items are TBD.